Day Four and Counting (or The SoakWell Saga)
Yesterday I took the day off work, I was in as good as a condition as an apple leaving the juicing factory. Still I dragged my self out of the house to meet the slab engineer on site since I have a few queries about the block.
The biggest concern I had was that our block level is about 20-30cm higher then our neighbours and since I have bout 9 metres of zero lot wall (i.e. wall right on the property boundary) I was a little concerned over the stability of the soil under the slab at that point.
The Slab Engineer assured me that everything was fine and that it was well within tolerances, but I'm angling for a second opinion I think.
Just before I left I asked in passing where the soakwells were going to be put, idle curiosity on my part. He seemed surprised and after checking all of his plans we could find no mention of soakwells nor any plans showing where they were to be placed. Cue alarm bells at this point.
When I returned home I rang the building company an asked about soakwells. Asking him to confirm that the builder was supplying AND installing the soakwells. The Supervisor wasn't sure and didn't think that they were supplying and installing the wells since it wasn't mentioned on the contract, so I asked (in a rather patiently and nice manner I thought considering the drugs were wearing off at this point and I had a headache the size of the Queen Mary 2 on the way) why I had and entry on MY contract that said "storm water to be piped to soakwells $1800".
After a bit he did agree that that did indeed sounds like the builders were supplying and installing the wells. So I asked him for a confirmation because "sounds like" really was a comfortable position.
He called me back 4 hours later and agreed that yes they were to supply and install the wells. Finally!
I more productive news, the retaining walls are being built this Friday, and the slab hopefully next week, and the soakwells..... god knows.
On a more exciting note, My DVD boxed sets of Seasons 2 and 3 of Quantum Leap shipped two days ago and should arrive either today or tomorrow. The other half will be MOST pleased :-)