Its obvious really!
Well the slight mis-understanding (re: me not knowing sod all building) has been cleared up.
The reason why there is a hollowed out section where one bath is going and not where the other bath is going is NOT because there was a stuff up by the slab layer (my suspicions lay in this direction), but because my significant and most important other half decided she wanted a 'proper' bath in the ensuite (so $900 later after we move the entire wall to accommodate it she's happy) and she chose a much larger/deeper bath and there is enough clearance already under the bath for the required plumbing, whereas the main bathroom (re: kids bathroom - when they arrive) has a smaller bath (and separate shower) which doesn't have the space required, so part of the slab was removed to make the space.
At least that is how it was explained to me!
If I remember I'll post a pic of my other half sitting in her 'bath' later. She's quite pleased :-)
The bricks are going to be delivered in 2 to 3 weeks time. As it was explained to me by the lady at Ventura Homes, they are going thru an efficiency drive at the moment to speed up the delay between signing the contract and delivering the required building materials, so naturally its taking longer to get the bricks at the moment then it normally would. That makes sense doesn't it.
Still at this stage we have no issues or worries and for the next 2-3 weeks everything will be plain and smooth sailing (mainly because there is nothing for Ventura Homes to stuff up).
On the "relax with confidence" side of things we have booked in a building inspector to come along and check everything out at the slab down stage, compare measurements to the plans, location of plumbing, dodgy cement etc. As I see it $225 dollars for a written report and inspection is fairly cheap piece of mind!
And talk about keen, this guy is meeting me at the block at 8am on a Saturday morning! Eight!! Like I'm going to be able to pay attention to anything he is saying at that time! Oh well at least it is written down.
That reminds me, I need to get photocopies of all my plans for him before Saturday! *mental note*