Defects sorted. sort of
Well, I received a reply from our builder (Ventura) about the issues that I mentioned in my previous blog. The answer was pretty much what we were expecting, in short all o the minor stuff (like the set down isn’t large enough and the slab needs smoothing down) are going to be fixed and we have no answer on the major item, the soakwells.
The reply we received about the soakwells is that Ventura has passed our plans onto the company responsible for the drainage systems and they will reply soon with a solution. I’ll be generous and give them until Thursday before I start chasing up an answer, which seems fair.
Also this week is the week that the bricks should arrive. When I asked about them on Friday I was told that all the scheduling is done each Monday so she couldn’t tell me if my bricks were going to arrive this week until Monday. Well, to day is Monday And I’m going to send a polite email chasing up the bricks and then of course ring up at around 3pm if I haven’t heard anything.
One cool thing that I found works is the read receipt ability of Outlook (it would seem that Ventura’s email server is running MS Exchange). What that means is that when the recipient of my email opens my email to read it, their email server sends me an email automatically to tell me that the email I sent has been read. It allows me to track down the “I never received your email” comments that have happened a few times (and perhaps were quite genuine), plus it allows me to know when my email was read.
So for the end of this week I am hoping to have
a) All my bricks delivered on site
b) All the minor defects corrected, and
c) A solution to the soakwell issue
Here’s hoping!