He's not the Messiah, He's a very naughty boy....
I am SO riled up at the moment (or more accurately I was when I wrote this a day or so ago), I need to find a defenceless kitten to yell at or something.
I just had a phone call from Ventura (a stand in Client LIASON(HA!) officer) today. She wants to book a on-site meeting between me and my brick supervisor which we have pencilled it in for 13th Thursday.
During the phone call she mentioned (in no particular order):
The concrete contractors who did my slab are no longer doing business with Ventura anymore (have I mentioned recently that the concrete issue STILL hasnt been fixed!!). Some other contractor will have to come in and complete the slab. She mentioned something about once they have been Ventura will need to sort out payment for them (I wasn't paying much attention so I'm not sure if she meant Ventura internally had to sort something out - if so why tell me? - , or if I was being told because I might have to handle the expense of the new contractor... Good effing luck on that, I'm NOT paying a cent).
She then mentioned the fact that apparently I'm a naughty boy (not her words I might add) for having the building inspection before the roof was fully complete AND then having the gall to include non-completed work in my report, she said that Glen requested I work a bit closer with him to organise my inspections..... I snapped at that point and developed a funny facial twitch.... WORK CLOSER !?, I don't know if I should scream or laugh at the moment!!! HOW THE BLOODY HELL CAN I WORK CLOSER IF THEY NEVER F**KING REPLY TO ANY OF MY MAILS OR BOTHER TO INFORM ME ON ANYTHING! And what the f**k is his problem any way even if I do do the inspection a few days early and the roof isn't bloody well finished! I'll damn well include it in my report and he can simply ignore it (as he has been doing for months with the slab anyway!) GRRRR!! *ok calm down, breath deeply, count to 10*
So now I have to take another day off work to meet with the supervisor at his request..... I might get dad to come out for the meeting, just to there is a witness to the 'justifiable homicide' when I strangle the supervisor.
Tempting.... really tempting....
In other news the gyprock ceilings and plumbing went in yesterday so it must have been one busy day on site (either that or they were working on Sunday), and the progress is looking good.
At this point in the construction I'm not sure what the supervisor is hoping to solve by having a meeting since we are pretty much on the downhill run, and he is not going to stop me emailing and phoning if I damn well feel like emailing and phoning. Of course I could be going totally off tangent and the meeting is merely because he wants to discuss my colour choices for the paint or something..... Maybe...
We shall see..