6 weeks to go and carpets chosen!
Well the house has been locked up and my supervisor has given me a deadline of approximately 6 weeks until the house is completed. I’m not going to hold my breath, but its looking positive especially since they have a tiler organised.
There are still some issues that need sorting out (surprise surprise!) such as:
1) The dishwasher issue (lack of waste water drain) is still an issue and nothing has been heard from Ventura on this matter (again – surprise, surprise)
2) A wall vent was installed sometime last week in the lounge room on an angle of 25 degrees off the horizontal, very poor workmanship there.
3) The bobcat that was used to level the sand in the garage managed to quite badly and quite noticeably damage several brick in the garage
There are a few more issues, but I start to get far to0 depressed when I talk about them to0 much.
On a far more positive note I took a week of work last week (always a positive thing!) and between myself, my wife, several useless and sometimes downright rude sales staff (and the very rare amazingly helpful sales person – hello Ferguson from WA Carpet Supermarket in Osborne Park!) we managed to purchase the tiles and carpet for our house. Due to a stroke of good fortune the most perfect tile for our house was on sale down from $40 a square metre to $25 a square metre and considering we are tiling about 90 square metres of home this was a great saving, which we then ended up immediately losing by spending about $1000 more on carpet, so it all balanced out in the end and we came in only $40 over our $7000 budget (which includes the tiler).
I must say something about what we went through in choosing the carpet. We started at a place called WA Carpet Supermarket were we met Ferguson who actually took the time to sit down with us and our plans, measure everything out, talk to us about the general carpet types and the different underlay types, and all the pros and cons, unfortunately because it was the first carpet place we went to we left without making a choice. We then went to about 6 other carpet places before we realise that everyone stocks the same carpet brands at pretty much the same price so it didn’t matter really where we went. We ended up at Trevors Carpets because they supply carpet to most of the home builders in Perth and we got a builders discount on the carpet we wanted saving us about 10% and a free upgrade to the premium ‘platinum’ underlay. We almost bought the carpet there and then but we ended up going back to Ferguson to see what he could offer us (since he was so nice we though we would give him the chance for the sale) and it turns out that Trevors Carpets owns WA Carpet Supermarket so he could match the price cent for cent :-) So after every carpet store we went too we ended back at with the first place we saw, only we ended up with a more expensive carpet (15 year stain proof guarantee – oh yeah!).
Fun how things work out isnt it.
Now I have to go and try and talk to Ventura with out getting into an argument with them.
Take care and have fun people.