PES in full swing
Well the Tiler turned up as planned, on time and ready to go... bugger me! We had a quick chat about where the tiles were going and which bits had the feature/border tiles and which didn't and they were off. By the end of the first day they had built the hobs around the two baths and under the vanities, screed both floors and waterproofed the showers. I was impressed. I was less impressed when my supervisor told me that the tiler work work Thursday and Friday and then take a week off to go do another job before coming back to finish ours.
But as it turns out they can't do much work next week anyway because half of the kitchen has to be taken out and the dishwasher main water pipe has to be moved because my stupid plumber (whom I am now convinced beyond any doubt is either blind or an Orang Utang) placed it inside the dishwasher recess and not to one side as it should be. With the pipe in its current position it would not be possible to turn the tap off with out removing the dishwasher first, and of course you cannot remove the dishwasher without turning the tap off, so go figure. Seriously, I swear I saw a banana peel on the rubbish heap out front the other day....
Good news on the retaining wall issue though. I had a phone call from my Client Liason Officer who told me to remove the old asbestos fence within 2 weeks and Ventura will organise the retaining wall to be moved to the correct position. A small win, but a significant one since it now gives us about 400mm more space down one side.
That's about all I can manage today, its 9:00am and I am too tired to even work up the energy to rant about the house. I ended up playing Simcity 4 for far to long last night (I have vague memories of it being around 2am when I got to bed - which hurts when you are up are out of the house at 6:45am for work). I'm just a software engineer, I have little need to be up so early to get to work, but my wife works on Rottnest as the Newsagency Manager and she has to catch the 7:30 boat from Fremantle so we have a rather strict, unmissable, deadline :-)
I'm off to get another coffee. . . or 3
Take care.